Celebrating Moms On the Trail: Kellie Alford
“I was raised to believe that if you work hard, it will give you a sense of accomplishment that you can be proud of. That belief has molded me into the woman that I am today. I’m Kellie Alford, and I am running for the House of Representatives District 64. I have been married to my wonderful husband Scott Alford 25 years this June. I have 3 adult children, Peyton who is 30, Grace 24, and Haven 22 (who support their momma 100%). I am Gammy to JohnWalker and Wrenleigh who motivate me every day, to finish this race. I have lived in Livingston Parish for over 25 years. I was a stay-at-home mom but have now run a small business for 15 years. I am not a politician. I have never run for office before. I am running to be a public servant to the people of district 64 and our state of Louisiana.”
[Maureen McInerney, WPLN]: Tell us a little bit about your decision to run. What motivated you, and what did you hope to accomplish in office?
[Kellie Alford]: For several years I have been concerned about the direction of our state government. I felt the push to step up, to bring us back to the values we once had. During the covid-19 pandemic, several friends approached me about running and I began to feel a deeper awareness to the need for me to serve.
I want to create an atmosphere, where people work together to get things accomplished for our state. We have so many challenges facing Louisiana. I want to bring people together and enact solutions without compromising my values.
What was that conversation like with your family as you were making this decision?
My husband’s first words were, “I told you so.” He thought that I should run long before I reached the decision. My adult kids were all very supportive and encouraging. My grand babies are too young, but we purchased campaign shirts for them and made it fun and exciting that Gammy is running for office.
Do your kids participate in any aspects of your campaign?
My kids are already participating. Now adults, they have contributed financially and have reached out to friends about putting signs in their yards. They are busy with their careers, but all have said when it’s time to door knock or wave signs, they’re in.
Were there any difficult situations that you had to overcome in regards to balancing your public service and family life?
It has been our family’s tradition to have a family night at least once a week, or every other week when it gets busy. Unfortunately, we haven’t had one since I announced, but we are planning to get them restarted soon. Our laid-back family nights are always a breath of fresh air in my sails that helps keep me grounded and reminds me why I am running for office.
What advice would you give, or a piece of wisdom you wish you’d known?
Don’t look to the right or to the left, keep your eyes fixed on the finish line. The people and their voice should be your guide, not what’s happening around you.
How are you celebrating Mother’s Day this year?
Bittersweet this year - my husband and I are moving our youngest son to Texas to live for a short season. We will be celebrating Mother’s Day when we get back.
Thank you to Kellie for sharing your story!