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Women’s Public Leadership Network (WPLN)’s Impact Council is a coalition of men and women from across the United States interested in engaging, supporting, and fortifying a network geared towards equipping and elevating women seeking public office. 

The Impact Council provides critical  guidance and feedback to the WPLN Team, including the Leadership, on outreach efforts and programmatic activities to ensure the organization is using a wide lens when designing and implementing its efforts.  WPLN works to engage women from a diversity of backgrounds, including those with different professions, educational levels, and family status, as well as those of all ages with varying cultural, ethnic, religious, and racial make-ups. 


    • Maralyn Beck | Founder & Executive Director of New Mexico Child First Network
    • Amber Crawford | Communications Director of the Republican Party of Arkansas

    • Cynthia Kaui | Owner of Kaui Media, LLC

    • Sara Marie Kinney Ridley | State Strategist at Majority Strategies

    • Lisa Lisker | Owner of Huckaby Davis Lisker, Inc.

    • Ashley O’Rourke | Senior Business Development Lead for Political Campaigns at Microsoft

    • Shenée Simon | Founder & Executive Director of S.H.E. Collective Inc. 

“The Impact Council plays a vital role in helping WPLN mitigate the barriers women face when running for office, obtaining political appointments, and becoming more engaged in the political process,” said WPLN President Larissa Martinez. Learn more about our National Impact Council and each of our new members.

Amber Crawford
Cynthia Kaui
Sara Marie Kinney Ridley
Ashley O’Rourke
Shenee Simon
Lisa Lisker
Maralyn Beck



The Impact Council is a coalition of men and women from a range of backgrounds that have experience and/or a great understanding of the communities WPLN is seeking to serve. Members understand that center- and right-leaning women have unique barriers when seeking public office and are passionate about identifying ways to mitigate those barriers, have interest in building rapport around pressing issues women face within their communities and are eager to help shape WPLN’s strategic engagement in states across the country.


  • Attend calls (30-45 mins.) hosted by the Founder and President of WPLN to discuss upcoming strategic events and/or initiatives (quarterly at the least)

  • Attend an annual strategic planning session (in-person and virtual option)

  • Serve as an Advisor to WPLN Leadership Team on programmatic needs

  • Serve as an Ambassador for WPLN with your networks and communities 

  • Be willing to contribute to an op-ed, Facebook Live interview, or other external media opportunity as identified by WPLN Leadership team as needed 

  • Early bird access to in-person events

  • Increase the number of women with your background and/or from your community holding public office and engaging politically

  • Recognition on our website and marketing materials (with your approval) 

  • Ability to have a real impact on WPLN reach and program development 

  • Create lasting relationships with like-minded individuals 

  • Grow your network of professional connections

Applications are considered on a rolling basis and reviewed quarterly.

We are always looking for leaders to join our National Impact Council! If you are interested in learning more about leadership opportunities at Women’s Public Leadership Network, please contact us or apply here