Is Normal the New Normal?

The 2022 midterm elections left many politicians, pollsters, and pundits scratching their heads. 

Many asked, “What went wrong?” Perhaps the better question to ask is: “What went right?”

One of the biggest takeaways is that “normal” is becoming the “new normal” again.

As CNN’s Abby Phillip said on Election Night: 

“It is a good thing that normal is winning. The American public is pretty tired of this stuff. Voters were so dissatisfied with the economy, so dissatisfied with both political parties, but also so dissatisfied with the state of our politics. And they said so by rejecting some of the most extreme figures.”

At Women’s Public Leadership Network, we know “normal” not only sells… but it also wins. Now, more than ever, people want some semblance of normalcy… and they want “normal,” rational leaders at the helm.

We started WPLN to get more “normal,” pragmatic, solutions-oriented women in office and at decision-making tables. 

We believe that good candidates, good policies, and good messages matter. And the 2022 elections proved that. Some of the biggest “wins” of the cycle came from pragmatic female candidates who had thoughtful policy solutions and rational messages.

But it’s not enough to just have good candidates, good policies, or good messages in this day and age. Candidates need to be prepared to be effective leaders, not just title holders. 

We know that female candidates, in particular, need to be recruited, supported, and trained. So we provide those resources to women through our programs. It’s a winning formula for all. 

Stronger candidates = a stronger country. 

You can learn more about our programs here or take some training courses here