What WPLN Is Reading, Watching, Listening to, and Excited for in June 2022

READING | Own Your Voice: 8 Emotional Habits That Empower Women to Be Seen, Heard, and Fearless by Margo Tirado: As fans of Brené Brown, we were excited to read this book on how to recognize and dismantle the obstacles that keep women from speaking up with confidence. This book is a must-read for any aspiring or current woman leader! Learn more.

WATCHING | For All Mankind on Apple TV+: We highlighted this show in one of our newsletters last year, and when the third and newest season premiered on June 10, it pulled us right back in. The show is set in an alternative history where the Soviet Union beat the United States to the moon and the space race never ended, pushing America to be "first" in other ways. This new season skips a decade forward after the second season, taking place in the 90s, and as a result of the push for diversity to compete with the Soviet Union, women are leading NASA — and being named major party presidential nominees. Learn more.

LISTENING TO | NPR's The Indicator from Planet Money: "What exactly are women doing at the C-Suite level that helps them achieve that kind of success?" That's the question NPR spoke with Villanova University professor of management Corinne Post to understand what happens to companies when their leaders include women. Learn more.

EXCITED FOR | Fourth of July weekend: This will be the first Independence Day in two years that the world is mostly back to normal. We always look forward to getting to spend time with family and friends while reflecting on our country's history and values.

Click here to read our June 2022 newsletter in full.