What WPLN Is Reading, Watching, Listening to, and Excited for in May 2022

READING | My Life: Growing Up Asian in America: To commemorate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, WPLN is recommending this collection of essays by various contributors — including journalist SuChin Pak, best-selling author Melissa de la Cruz, and tech innovator Ellen K. Pao. Learn more.

WATCHING | The Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial: Regardless of who you believe is being more truthful, the coverage of — and reaction to — this trial has been eye-opening. In an MSNBC op-ed titled "No matter who 'wins' the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard trial, America has lost," opinion columnist Liz Plank writes, "Armchair pundits and comedians have called the trial and its ensuing media circus 'fun.' The experience has been anything but for survivors. This kind of voyeuristic and sensationalistic celebrity treatment further normalizes abuse and undermines victims of intimate partner violence, especially those who happen to be women." Learn more.

LISTENING TO | The Political Contessa podcast Season 1 Episode 36 featuring with Dee Dee Bass Wilbon and Deana Bass Williams: So we know that in our April newsletter we highlighted Jennifer Nassour's podcast episode with June Cutter, but we have to highlight the podcast again this month — because she keeps hosting the best guests! This recent episode features the Bass Sisters, so don't miss it! Learn more.

EXCITED FOR | Our upcoming retreat with Virginia Lt. Governor Winsome Earle-Sears: WPLN is hosting an upcoming State Partner retreat in Northern Virginia, with a Leadership Dinner featuring Virginia Lt. Governor Winsome Earle-Sears! To learn more about our state partners, click here.

Click here to read our May 2022 newsletter in full.