Leadership Spotlight With Betsy Ankney

Women’s Public Leadership Network (WPLN) is excited to continue our Leadership Spotlight
series, where we highlight women of different backgrounds and industries who are paving the
way for women in leadership.

This month, WPLN was joined by Betsy Ankney, former campaign manager for Nikki Haley's presidential campaign. Betsy is also WPLN's 2024 Architect of Society Award Recipient. The Architect of Society Award is inspired by Harriett Beecher Stowe’s words that "women are the real architects of society," and is presented to a woman who exemplifies effective, principled leadership and is a true public servant. Tory Sendek of Michael Best Strategies spoke with Betsy about her career, mentorship, and leadership tips for other women.

In her interview, Betsy spoke about her journey into public service and what prepared her for her most recent role: “Every campaign and every candidate is totally different... But at the end of the day, your job is to manage time, money, and people.”

She discussed what skills are needed for leadership, highlighting confidence as a key trait women should look to develop. "I think women can do whatever we set our minds to... often it's making sure you have the confidence and courage to take the next step and to push through the fear and do what's uncomfortable- because we're more than capable of doing it."

During her time at Nikki Haley For President, Betsy found that mentorship had a significant impact on Haley's campaign. She said that "One of the most rewarding things about [this role] was watching all of these young women be so inspired by Nikki and what she was doing." Betsy noted that at one point, young girls were bringing homemade friendship bracelets to Haley rallies like some do at Taylor Swift concerts. "It's not something that was planned, it sort of happened organically- and it was really heartwarming."

Finally, Betsy gave bold encouragement for women looking to pursue a career in politics:

"There's going to be a zillion things in your head and reasons why you shouldn't. There's going to be people who tell you you can't. There's going to be people who tell you you're not qualified or you're not good enough or it's not the right time. But if you want to do it and you've thought through all those things: Do it. Take the leap, have the confidence, and you can get it done. And everyone who's part of this community will help you do it."

Seeking mentorship and a supportive community of female leaders? WPLN is building a network of women united by common-sense priorities and providing support and training resources at no cost to our audience. Visit our website to subscribe to our newsletter, learn about events, and take advantage of the free online resources we have available.