10 of our Favorite Quotes from the #WPLNSummit
Earlier this month, WPLN held its inaugural National Summit in New Orleans, Louisiana. We heard from so many women leaders and supporters over the 2-day summit, from our Fireside Chat between WPLN Chair Jen Sarver and Congresswoman Julia Letlow; Women in Leadership panel between WPLN Board Member Valerie Dowling and Michelle Bekkering; and Profiles in Leadership panel between Louisiana State Representative Julie Emerson, Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education member Sandy Holloway, and WPLN Board Member Dee Dee Bass Wilbon and her sister Deana Bass Williams, to our award announcements, speakers, and sponsors.
Here are some of our favorite quotes from the #WPLNSummit:
"It was the women who rallied behind me. All ages, all races, all socioeconomic backgrounds; mothers, daughters, grandmothers, and they said, 'Not only will you do this, you'll do this for me. You'll do this for my daughter. You'll do it for my mother." - Congresswoman Julia Letlow

"You'll have the highest of the mountaintops and the lowest of the valleys… during those valleys, you have a choice how you will react to it and if you'll make decisions out of fear or if you'll make decisions because of hope.” - Congresswoman Julia Letlow

"And that's when it dawned on me, it clicked on me -- it was like, 'imposter syndrome, get out, because you ARE needed here, your voice is needed here.' We need doctors, we need lawyers, we need entrepreneurs, we need small business owners, we need stay-at-home moms, we need people from every walk of life in Congress to lend their voices, their expertise. You don't have to be an expert in everything... but you can lend your voice and your voices can be heard -- because it's a house by the people, for the people." - Congresswoman Julia Letlow

"What would I tell her to do? Would I tell her to act on fear or act out of hope?" - Congresswoman Julia Letlow

"We met so many amazing women who have said that they're thinking about running... when you leave, you're going to be on this high, you're going to be so excited, and you got so much information and it's been so great. And you're going to go back to wherever you came from and you're going to run, and someone's going to say, ‘No, you're not,’ and someone's going to say you shouldn't, and someone's going to be very negative about it, and WE just want to say: Remember this. Remember them. Remember the stories you've heard. Remember the women you've met… You were here for a reason… Make sure you remember that.” - WPLN Board Member Dee Dee Bass Wilbon

“'Don't disqualify yourself.' I love that. Don't disqualify yourself before you even try.” - Sandy Holloway of the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE)

"I'm going to channel my inner Wayne Gretzky to say: You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. And I think that is something that holds women back so much.” - Louisiana State Representative Julie Emerson

"Just do it. I really believe that. It just takes some pushing… Women have to be asked multiple times to run for office so I'm asking you so there you go, you should do it.” - Louisiana State Representative Julie Emerson

“When we all get together and pull the wagon in the right direction, beautiful things happen... Be bold, be fearless, but most important, carry on!” - Rob Rieger, 2022 Daniel Anthony Award recipient

“As leaders who happen to be women, be sure you define your purpose and your why.” - Julianne Condrey, 2022 Architect of Society Award recipient

And just for fun, a bonus quote from WPLN Board Member Dee Dee Bass Wilbon: “WPLN —- they make the best goody bags!”

Thank you again to all of our #WPLNSummit sponsors!