What WPLN is Reading, Watching, Listening to, and Excited For: December Edition

READING | An American Sunrise by Joy Harjo: Our fellow ReflectUS coalition member RepresentWomen recommends this volume of poetry from Joy Harjo, the first Native American Poet Laureate of the United States, calling it wise, powerful, and stunning. Learn more

WATCHING | King Richard, a biographical drama about Richard Williams, the father and coach of professional tennis players Venus and Serena Williams: With Venus and Serena serving as executive producers, this film follows the sisters and their father as he works to turn them into professional tennis players. One thing that stands out is the important and necessary role that men play in empowering women -- which starts with recognizing their value and raising them to be confident. Learn more.

LISTENING TO | A Center for American Women in Politics (CAWP) panel, that includes Women for a Stronger New Jersey: After releasing the latest report in CAWP's Money, Women, and Politics series, titled "Gender Gap in Political Donations," CAWP hosted a panel discussion on why men out-give women in state elections and why women should give more. Learn more.

EXCITED FOR | The chance to recharge before a busy 2022: After another unusual year in 2021, we're gearing up to hit the ground running in 2022. We'll begin 2022 by hosting our inaugural National Summit in February, and we're already hard at work to develop and coalesce the resources that women like you need in order to run for office. Women keep breaking glass ceilings, and we're excited to break even more next year!

Click here to read the December newsletter in full.