Remember the Ladies: August Edition

Throughout history, women's achievements have often been downplayed or overlooked. 

As part of WPLN's efforts to empower women, we aim to recognize the women who came before us.

Here's what women in the past accomplished throughout history during the month of August:

  • AUGUST 13, 1818: Suffragist leader and abolitionist Lucy Stone is born on this day.
  • AUGUST 2, 1848: The Seneca Falls Convention reconvenes on this day in Rochester, New York.
  • AUGUST 18, 1920: The 19th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is ratified by Tennessee, the 36th and final state needed for its adoption to the U.S. Constitution.
  • AUGUST 26, 1920: The 19th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is certified.
  • AUGUST 27, 1935: Mary McLeod Bethune founds the National Council of Negro Women on this day in 1935.
  • AUGUST 6, 1965: The Voting Rights Act of 1965 passes, preventing racial discrimination in voting and protecting the voter registration of racial minorities.

Check out WPLN's August 2024 newsletter!