Blog – Women's Public Leadership Network

Remember the Ladies: January Edition

Written by Sarah Quinlan | Jan 31, 2024 10:00:00 PM

Throughout history, women's achievements have often been downplayed or overlooked. 

As part of WPLN's efforts to empower women, we aim to recognize the women who came before us.

Here's what women accomplished in the month of January throughout history:

  • JANUARY 8, 1868 | Women's rights leaders Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Parker Pillsbury published the first edition of The Revolution, a weekly newspaper focused on women's rights.
  • JANUARY 10, 1917 | A group of suffragists known as the Silent Sentinels began picketing in front of the White House, in a public show of protest against President Woodrow Wilson's lack of support for women's suffrage.
  • JANUARY 5, 1925 | Nellie Tayloe Ross was sworn in as governor of Wyoming. She was the first woman governor in the United States and remains the only woman to have served as governor of Wyoming to this day.

Check out WPLN's January 2024 newsletter!