Blog – Women's Public Leadership Network

Celebrating Moms On the Trail: Lauren Daniel — Women's Public Leadership Network

Written by Katelyn Condrey | May 6, 2024 4:02:48 PM

Representative Daniel represents District 81 and is the youngest female member of the Georgia House. She and her husband Zac have four children: Liam, Levi, Lexa, and baby Zane.

[KATELYN] Tell us a little bit about your decision to run. What motivates you, and what do you hope to accomplish in office? What was that conversation like with your family as you were making this decision?

[DANIEL] Oddly enough, my husband and I have actually always been involved in local politics, really since we were old enough to vote. My husband was elected and served on the city council when he was just nineteen and really that is what got us plugged in. We loved going door to door and talking to people in our community about what mattered to them. Over the last decade, we have stayed involved helping get our local Representatives and Senators elected and even worked in a Lieutenant Governor’s race but really, I never imagined I would run for office myself. I ultimately decided to run for this seat because I felt like the people I represent deserved someone who would focus on the kitchen table issues that really mattered to them and their families, instead of just playing politics and running on national issues. My husband was very supportive and has been by my side the whole time; we are certainly a team.

I hope my service as a young mother opens people’s eyes to what is possible and brings light to the fact we are a citizen legislature, which means we come from all kinds of backgrounds with different skill sets. I also hope it leads other moms to step into the arena, especially those that lean right, because the values around family are shifting in today’s culture. My ultimate hope though during my time in the legislature is that I am able to bring forward policy that is innovative and truly makes positive substantive change for families in the state of Georgia.

Are your kids participating in any aspects of your campaign?

My kids are certainly involved in my campaigns; it’s a whole family affair these days! Each of them enjoy different aspects: my oldest son loves to talk to people and get signs out and my middle two love riding in our local parade every year and they’re the cutest sign wavers ever on Election Day! Then baby Zane was with me during session so he’s in most of the photos from this year, which by proxy makes him part of the campaign too! 

Were there any difficult situations that you had to overcome in regards to balancing your campaign and family life?

Not everyone has been kind about me serving in my role as a Representative while raising a young family. In my first campaign, my opponent literally doxxed us on a nasty political mailer and at the time, I had three children all under the age of ten. Obviously, protecting my children from the vile and the crazy has been difficult, and I would say even more so now this time around with a new baby. There have also been a ton of people who have been so supportive along the way and surrounded my family in prayers though, which is what I choose to focus on. 

Personally, I believe being a mother is the greatest calling I could ever have in my life; each of my children have been tremendous blessings no matter the circumstance and keeping them at the forefront is easy for me. Mostly, they just tag along with me and I balance it all by showing them what it looks like to serve others and they love getting to be a part of that. 

What advice would you give, or a piece of wisdom you wish you’d known?

The most rewarding part of this is knowing you’ve made a difference in someone’s life. The state legislature is an interesting crossroads between the local level and the federal level and a lot of good can be done in this in-between place, but it doesn’t happen overnight. The biggest advice I’d give, is to always remember not everyone is going to like you, and that’s okay! It’s your job to do the work, help where you can, and let the rest go.

How are you celebrating Mother’s Day this year?

We’ll certainly go to our Sunday morning church service, but who knows after that. Hopefully, it includes a little bit of shopping, some yummy food, and a nap with lots of cuddles!