Blog – Women's Public Leadership Network

WPLN's 2022 Year in Review — Women's Public Leadership Network

Written by Sarah Quinlan | Jan 1, 2023 5:00:00 AM

Another year has come to an end and we are beyond grateful for everything you helped us achieve!

In 2023, you helped WPLN grow our network and scale our programs. We hosted our inaugural National Summit, our first-ever Congressional Orientation, and built on the success of programs like our State Partner Retreat and Women Officeholders Roundtable.

Our newsletter now reaches over 5,000 subscribers, with nearly 1,000 women enrolled in our online campaign training. On top of WPLN's programs, our 11 state partner organizations are continuing to scale their impact through training and networking events. 

This year's midterm elections saw dozens of women from our network running at all levels - from school board to U.S. Senate! We are so proud of every woman who put herself forward this year, and we are excited to work with new and returning women officeholders and the next generation of candidates.

With generous support from our sponsors, foundations, and folks like you, WPLN has been able to offer free online training for women candidates, grow and support a network of state-based partners, and host national events to elevate leaders and accelerate balanced representation at all levels.

Going into 2023, we plan to hit the road and host in-person training and networking events in five new states, expand our online curriculum, and change the national narrative around women in public life.

As a 501c3 nonprofit, we rely on donations to help achieve these goals and support effective public leaders. Please consider supporting our efforts with a donation as we head into the year ahead! Any amount helps - $25$100, or $1,000. You can also support our efforts by purchasing tickets to our National Summit or making a purchase from our online store.

Stay tuned for events and ways to engage in the new year, and we hope to see you at our second annual National Summit in April in San Diego!  It's going to be another incredible event for women looking to make a difference in their communities and supporters of the movement. 

Thank you for everything in 2022, and here's to an even more impactful 2023!