Blog – Women's Public Leadership Network

WPLN's 2021 Year in Review — Women's Public Leadership Network

Written by Sarah Quinlan | Jan 1, 2022 5:00:00 AM

Another historic year has come to an end and we are beyond grateful for everything you helped us achieve!

We ended the year having held over 100 events, provided capacity-building resources to 11 state partner organizations, reached over 2,000 women across 47 states, and, thanks to your sharing, have increased our newsletter sign-ups 250%! Just amazing!! All this after only two years — our work is clearly resonating and it's all because of supporters like you!

In fact, this past November's elections saw women from our state partners in Virginia, Massachusetts, Colorado, Texas, and Georgia break through the barriers to get elected to School Boards, City Councils, Legislatures - all the way up to the historic win of Marine Corps veteran Winsome Sears as the first black woman elected Lt. Governor of Virginia. We are so proud of every woman who put herself forward this year and are excited as we go into the 2022 midterm election cycle to see who else steps up!

Despite the challenges this past year presented, we were so pleased that with generous support we were able to launch our free, comprehensive online platform offering 70+ materials to women across the country. Since April, we have seen continuous sign-ups and are almost at 1,000 — so keep sharing! We were also able to bring the leaders of our state partners together for an in-person retreat to share best practices to strengthen their programs to better serve their state's needs.

Going into 2022, we have exciting new programs being launched with the goal of doubling our reach and seeing even more women seek office as the election approaches - and we need your help. As a 501c3 nonpartisan nonprofit, we rely on donations to help us diversify decision-making tables and help bring about a more common sense, pragmatic approach to government through the women leaders we train.

Your support is vital - and right now, all donations are matched so you can easily DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT! Any amount helps - $25, $50, $150, $1,000 - and if you become a monthly recurring member today for a special End of Year offer of $49/month, you will automatically become a member of our Rankin Circle with benefits all year long in 2022.

Stay tuned for more ways to engage this year, including the upcoming launch of our Impact Council, and we hope to see you at our Inaugural National Summit in February in New Orleans! It's going to be an incredible event with leaders from across the country who share your principles and are looking to make a difference in their communities.

Thank you for everything this past year and here's to an even more impactful 2022!